
Liborigo license is made as simple as possible for all creators.

What's allowed?

All photos on Liborigo are free to download and use, whether it's for commercial and non-commercial purposes. That includes digital and print, except in the situations mentioned below in "What's not allowed".
You do not need to attribute the creators. At the same time, it's very much appreciated!
You can modify the assets however you choose.

What's not allowed?

Selling or redistributing images from Liborigo is not allowed!
All recognizable people in photos shouldn't be depicted offensively!
Identifiable brands on photos can't be associated misleadingly with any product or service!

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that Liborigo doesn't have or use any model or property release for its photos. The use of the website and its content is not warranted, guaranteed, or represented by Liborigo or the owners. The same applies to the results or modification of the website and its content.